Death To The Bullshit ‘About Me’ Section

Your cliché filled CV sucks

Lottie Coltman
5 min readJun 26, 2019
Don’t hide the crazy. Well, not all of it.

When I left University I became a recruiter. I did so, less because it was my calling, and more because the marketing agencies I applied to only offered unpaid internships. These inevitably went to trust fund kids who could afford to move to London without earning a thing, while still having enough pocket money for a lunchtime trip to Nobu…

Bitter? Me?

It was, in hindsight, a terrible career choice. You had to be slick, salesy and able to drink with the best of them. The last bit at least, I’m not going to lie, I was pretty good at…

But what it was, was easy to get into. You see, recruitment is a revolving door industry. As soon as young hopefuls pour in (on the promise that they will have half a mill commission under their belt before the ink is dry on the contract) others are pouring out, tail between their overpriced suit trouser legs and not even a sniff of the Rolex they dreamt of.

I, surprisingly, lasted a whole year.

I say surprisingly because not only was I generally shit at it (to be one of the Rolex-wearing club you have to be rather ferocious at cold-calling and I have always been on the Hugh Grant end of the British politeness spectrum), but also because I didn’t understand what the hell I…

